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Count Saint-Germain
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Count Saint- Germain is the emerald and was the first to figure out how to use the chronograph. He is the main villan in the third book, and is also Mr. Whitman, according to the the book.When he first meets Gwyneth Shepherd, he reads her mind and chokes her while standing on the other side of the room.

The Secret writings of Count Saint-German

The Circle of Blood its perfection will find,
The philosopher's stone shall eternally bind.
New strength will arise in the young at that hour,
Making one man immortal, for he holds the power.

But beware: when the twelfth star shows its on force,
His life here on earth runs its natural course.
And if youth is destroyed, then the oak tree will stand
To the end of time, rooted fast in the land.

As the star dies, the eagle arises supreme,
fulfilling his ancient and magical dream.
For a star goes out in to the sky above,
If it freely chooses to die for love.

—Emerald Green


  • Gideon De Villiers: He is a member of the De Villiers family, and respectively one of Gideon's ancestors.
  • Gwyneth Shepherd: Not much is known about their relationship since they've rarely met. However, the count seemed to have plans including her, as stated in Emerald Green.